Monday, June 16, 2008

Today's interview

Well, today's interview for that secretary position went ok, but I don't think I'll get it. It was a little intimidating because I was in front of a board of people. I think I did a good job answering the questions they had for me, but one of the questions was about timekeeping experience of which I have none, so that may kick me out of the running. They seemed to like me though, so who knows. If anything, this is really good practice.

I am going to go to a meeting tomorrow at Easter Seals for this autism program they're starting up that's going to be affiliated with UCO. I figure it can't hurt to get some more information and the people involved are all so nice. There is a daycare there, so it's possible I could work with the autistic kiddos and have Caleb right there where I'm working, so that would be fantastic. We'll see what I find out.

Just keep the prayers coming ya'll!

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