Saturday, June 21, 2008

Career Input Please!

I keep going back and forth trying to figure out exactly what I need to do as far as a good career goes. School psychologist would be ok, but I'm not completely sure about that. Finding a government job would be ok too, but who knows if that will happen or how much it will pay. I've started looking into a dental hygienist program which isn't exactly quick, but I'd like to use what's left of my GI bill on something. I've been researching some and it looks like a dental hygienist makes really good money, like in the $60,000 a year range, and that would be fantastic for supporting me and Caleb. Anyway, if any of you reading this have any good insight on that career choice or any others please send an email my way or leave a comment. I've thought about nursing, but really don't think I'm cut out for that. Any insight is always appreciated!

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