Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My head is spinning.....

I went to the Easter Seals meeting this morning and met some amazing people, but I don't think I'm going to go this route right now. Tutoring autistic children would be rewarding, but I know it would take everything out of me. The pay is so-so, and I think I'd rather just find something that I can do during the day then easily leave behind when I go home. When I worked with kids before I thought about them all the time, and honestly the only kid I care about now is Caleb.

On a medical side-note, I tried this sleeping pill a couple weeks ago called Rozerem, and I swear I'm still feeling the side effects. I'll get these dizzy spells that last all day! It's gotten better, but for a week after I took the stuff I felt constantly dizzy and nauseous. It's freakin evil stuff! I also tried ambien, which is ok, unless you try to take it a little while before you actually go to bed. When I took it one time, I apparently was talking to my folks about some pretty embarrassing stuff and I can't remember any of it. When my mom told me about it the next morning I was completely freaked out. The good news is that I'm starting to sleep better, without any stupid pills. I just think I'm such a light-weight when it comes to medicine, I just do better on my own. Lesson learned!

1 comment:

Jaimie said...

I would love to know what you told your mom!!!