Saturday, August 23, 2008

Vacation Bible School

Vacation bible school was a blast today. I was in charge of putting together some games and came up with wrapping the kids in toilet paper (which they loved) and doing some water bucket relays, which was also a big success.

A fire truck came and sprayed water on everyone. You should have seen the grin on Caleb's face when the truck drove up! He was dying to hear the siren so I asked one of the firemen if he'd turn it on for us, which he gladly did to everyone's delight. Let me warn you before you play that video though. It's REALLY, REALLY loud!

Waiting for things to get started.....

He loved this! Nice form don't you think?

Music time!

Me doing the Lazarus Wrap with the kids (that sounds like a sandwich doesn't it?)

Somehow I wound up filling a billion water balloons.

My mom led the music. You can see Caleb standing on the front pew clapping along. It was adorable.

This is the loud video.....

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