Monday, August 11, 2008

Another long day...

Caleb is still feeling lousy. I can tell his throat is killing him. I called in sick to work tonight so I could stay home with him. My folks are on their Florida getaway and, although they still offered, I didn't feel ok about letting him sleep over at my brother's house. I really hope he's doing better tomorrow. We're getting stir crazy. However, we did have some fun pretend trips today to the cousin's house. I let him sit in the driver's seat of the car and he'd pretend to drive me around telling me where we were going to go. It's seriously too cute. He'll wait until I put my seatbelt on, turn on the lights and the air conditioning, and we'll pretend to be off on a journey.

Oh, and the IRS gave me a call today. No, don't worry, it's just for another job interview Friday. I doubt I'll be what they're looking for, but what the heck. That's one organization that's not going anywhere so I love the idea of having that kind of job security.

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