Friday, July 11, 2008

Doctor Appointment Funnies...

I went ahead and took Caleb to the doc this morning since he's still got a little fever. The doctor was asking him where it hurt, and Caleb said, "My nipples hurt." I think he was trying to say his chest hurt. He's too funny! The doctor was impressed with Caleb yet again and all the nurses couldn't believe he was only three since he's so tall.

Turns out he's got a virus which has made his throat all yucky. I guess that can cause the fever, but there's no medicine that'll help it so it just has to run its course.

1 comment:

Jaimie said...

Has Tay and Caleb been kissing again??? She just got over that last week. Hers only lasted about 2-3 days. Hope my man feels better soon!