Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My kind of weather!

A few minutes before I needed to leave for work today, we started getting some hail and thunderstorms. So, I called work and said I'd be a few minutes late getting there. Thank God I did! I ended up leaving right after a tornado hit about two blocks away, right where I would've been driving through if I had left on time. My beloved Chuck-E-Cheese has a lot of damage, so Lainee and I need to find a new favorite spot to take the kiddos for lunch . :-)

There was still a bunch of nasty weather coming so my mom took Caleb over to Chris and Lainee's house just to be safe since they have a storm shelter. When I talked to my mom, she said Caleb and Avery were in the shelter, and Avery was actually scared and crying. Caleb was holding her telling her, "Don't be scared Avery. God is always with you, and He'll take care of you." Tissue anyone??? I love my boy!

1 comment:

The Greens said...

How precious is he! You are so blessed.