Saturday, February 7, 2009

Church Retreat Weekend

I went to my church's lady's retreat this weekend which was held at this beautiful Catholic School. My sister-in-law and I shared a room which was fun, especially being startled awake in the middle of the night by this crazy loud banging coming from the old pipes in the building. Even better was waking up to my pastor's wife singing "Climb Every Mountain" at the top of her lungs, which made me chuckle but didn't manage to actually get me out of bed. It was really such a sweet and spiritually building time. I just love and admire these women so much.

My dad, who has become affectionately know as "Crappa" now thanks to Caleb's pronunciation of grandpa, watched Caleb and took he and Landon to check out this really cool plane today at the little airport near us. Caleb is just so into planes, and basically anything else that flies. Caleb and Crappa are becoming two peas in a pod.

Landon in the ejection seat

I guess grandpa stopped and got Caleb some onion rings.

Caleb in ejection seat

Caleb wanted to ride in it so badly!

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