Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So here's the latest... I talked to my advisor today at college and got a tentative schedule laid out for next semester. I'll be taking three classes which is considered full-time at the grad level, but I think I'll only have to actually go to school two days a week, so at least I won't be spending a fortune on gas driving there all the time. You know me... always trying to be economical. Thank God I kept my little Honda! I love that car.

I also had a meeting at work last week and was asked if I'd be willing to work full-time which was a nice surprise. In order to receive benefits now I need to work at least 30 hours a week, so I agreed to do that instead. I think 40 hours right now would be pushing it. I'm mostly working 3-midnight so I can still stay home with Caleb all day. My work said they'll be flexible with my schedule when school starts up so that's a relief. Oh, and my google job is in the mix too when I can fit it in, mostly on the weekends. Somehow or another I'll make it all work, but I'm tired. There's just never a break, but I guess that's just how it's going to be. Hopefully my body will adjust.

One little ray of sunshine around the corner is that I'm going to visit my best friend, Jessica, in DC in November. It's kind of a belated birthday celebration, plus a couple of my other really close friends from high school that I haven't seen in forever are going to come too. It'll be sort of a mini-reunion, and I may actually get to go get a massage and have some "me" time. I really can't wait!

Thanks again everybody for the constant prayers, love, and support. I may not get to tell some of you all the time, but it means the world to me and is really helping me through this. Love you guys!

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